Panel 1: Maddie is sitting back in the wingback chair, her coffee cup back in hand, kindle clutched to her chest as she makes a 'i'm the cool mom, don't look freaked out' face. In front of her, JJ is still sitting cross-legged on the floor between the couch and the coffee table, cradling her coffee cup in both hands and wearing the blanket like a shroud.
Maddie: "So that's a *no*."
JJ: "Yup."
Maddie: "Fair? I *guess*?"

panel 2: tight shot of JJ shedding the shroud and standing up; we cannot see her face and the steam from the cup is gone indicating she's drank it all.
JJ: "Where did you say my phone was?"
Maddie (from off panel): "Charging in the kitchen, by the microwave."

panel 3: front shot of JJ leaning against the counter. She's wearing cargo pants, a purple tank, her hair is messed up from sleep, and her nose and eye is still bruised and swollen from the fight the night before. She's chewing on the end of her thumb nail as she stares at an ancient flip phone in her hand, her face concerned. Behind her is the microwave and a few drawers; to the right of her is a pantry. The lighting is moody, implying she never turned the lights in the kitchen on. The speech is all texts that she's reading.
(implied) JJ: "hey u need 2 bus it sry royboy"
(implied) Roy: "Everything okay?" "JJ?"
(implied) JJ: " 'm fine tell u l8r"

panel 4: JJ, still in the kitchen, is walking back into the doorway and Maddie's view. We can only see the back of the wingback chair Maddie is sitting on, her thumb on the kindle screen, and her antennae hair (which aren't implying any strong emotion)
Maddie: "Did you email your professors?"

Panels 5-7: speechless. close up of JJ, head and shoulders only. In the first, she looks up at Maddie confused, the phone is clutched to her chest barely in frame. In the next, she's holding up her phone, looking at it thoughtfully. In the last, she holds up the phone showing *exactly* how ancient this thing is (its screen is the size of a postage stamp) and points to it as she looks at Maddie in confusion.
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