Sorry for the late update; work’s been kinda crazy. Might be that way for while? I’ll always have the page up by Wednesday at the latest though. Official update day is still Tuesday, so that’s the day to check, but I’ve got a feeling the next few weeks are going to be “Tuesday ish”. Anyways, this week’s page is a wordless page with lots of green on it.

Couple new things, site-wise! I’ve added  MagNorth to top web comics, so there’s a vote button over there on the right. Vote incentive this week is Roy. Also, project wonderful ads are over there too!

A reminder that I’m going to be on vacation for 2 weeks in April. If all goes well, I shouldn’t have to resort to filler art for one of those updates, but I can’t promise anything. I’d say something about guest strips, but really, I’d rather you guys start using the comments and lettin’ me know you’re still hanging around.

And lastly! If you’re gonna be  in the Seattle area this weekend, I don’t need to tell you that it’s ECCC weekend because you already know. If you’re going to the con, I’ll be there too. Don’t have a table or anything, but I’ll probably be obnoxiously tweeting pictures of me and my doppelganger all weekend, so if you come across a pair of Kats fangirling over Zelda stuff, say hi! (I’m the shorter Kat.)

That’s all I’ve got this week. See you guys Tuesday (ish. hopefully not ish)!
